Samsung recently unveiled the second iteration of its first foldable, named the Galaxy Z Fold 2. Details about the new device remain scant. The company says it'll share more information, including the Z Fold 2's price and preorder details, on Sept. 1. In the meantime, the original Galaxy Fold remains an intriguing phone, one that you can actually buy right now (get the Galaxy Fold for $1,980 at Best Buy). I bought one last year and spent the day with it so I could report back on everything from the folding hinge to the display. The verdict? I liked the Galaxy Fold more than I thought I would. I unboxed it in the morning, after having waited in line at Samsung's London store since 5:30 a.m. the day of its release. After spending the day playing about with its jazzy hinge design, I noticed a few things about the phone. Read on for last year's account of 24 hours spent with Samsung's first foldable.
First of all, there's no noticeable protective layer that you might be wrongly tempted to peel off. This was one of the major errors in the phone's first design; a film was laid over the top of the display that looked just like one of those layers you happily peel off when you get a new phone. It was actually a crucial part of the design, and some journalists who had early review samples of the Fold peeled it off, which ruined the display.
The lack of visible film on the updated version means there's less chance of you wrecking your pricey phone on Day 1. Samsung has also more securely sealed the edge of the display with plastic caps at the two points where it folds, which hopefully will stop dust particles getting under the surface (another pain point from round one).
The original design had a gap between the hinge where the Galaxy Fold does its folding, and the two arms of the screens. This is now diminished. Also, you can't see an additional metal plate beneath the display, which is meant to reinforce the fragile plastic screen, but Samsung assures us it's there.
But beyond those design tweaks, the phone remains unchanged. The hinge feels smooth to use and the phone snaps shut satisfyingly like those snappy cases you get with your glasses.
Galaxy Fold redesign: Here's how Samsung fixed its foldable phone
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